Dare I say it? This was my first farmers' market experience. And, I loved it! Brittany's mom, Liz, took me to the Capitol Market. What's cool about this is that they have a whole outdoor area, with most vegetables and fruits. But there is an enclosed are that includes a butchery, a cheese station, a chocolatier, wine, a restaurant, a WV products area, and a fresh seafood station!
I was supposed to have lunch soon, but I was starving. I had heard people rave about the fresh seafood station inside the Capitol Market - The Fresh Seafood Company. And though you could buy fresh fish, they had a whole menu and a seating area for people to get a bite to eat. The tables were pretty full, so I was intrigued. This little area also had a sign about their famous big fish sandwich. I'm kind of a sucker for fish sandwiches, so this place had me.
I walked up to the counter and told the man, Tony, I wanted something light. He pointed to the menu at "1/2 sandwich, small clam chowder." Eh, clam chowder? Liz had been raving about their clam chowder when she described the place, so I thought why not. We waited for our order at our small aluminum table, but it was out before I knew it. My sandwich and soup both came in a styrofoam box - perfect for transportation. I opened it and was genuinely surprised at the "1/2 sandwich." This sandwich was big enough for the typical meal, so if it's only one-half, then the whole must be, indeed, quite big. The croissant the fish was sandwiched between was new to me, but it was perfect. It was light and butter and let the fish stand out. Crispy and peppery coating on the outside and flaky inside, the fish was delicious. I also got the tartar sauce, which was fantastic - not too heavy on the relish like many places. It as more mayo-based, and I think, very good.
I was much more hesitant about the clam chowder. I've never had a clam chowder I've liked - I'm not a huge fan of clams in general. I ate about half of it. The taste was fine, but when I'd get a chunk of slimey clam, it was hard for me to stomach. To clam chowder lovers, though, this is great. And I really would've eaten the whole bowl, had it not been for the clams. It was creamy and the seasoning was good. For under $10, this seems like it could be a weekend tradition for families - shopping at the farmers' market and stopping by to see Tony for lunch. I'd like to make it a tradition, anyhow.
More information:
Daily Mail: Capitol Market draws lunch crowd
Gazette: Seafood swims into the limelight
Grade: B