Fluff Bakery in Athens wasn't open for me to go inside and visit. But, they did have a pick-up window that I took full advantage of.

The bakery opened in 2010 "to fulfill a lifelong dessert and bakery obsession, and to showcase the talents of local farmers, producers, and entrepreneurs committed to making good food and drinks. Our Mission is to introduce our version of comfort food to the people of Athens, Ohio, and the surrounding region, and to support as many local people, businesses and non-profits in the process."

The bakery had a lineup of quite a few delicious goodies, like cannolis, pumpkin cookie with caramel icing and peanut butter bars with chocolate ganache.

I went with just a couple desserts because the made-to-order sandwiches were a bit more difficult to come by.

The first was a cream cheese swirled brownie that was more of a dark chocolate. That's not my favorite, but the cream cheese topping was a perfect sweet touch to balance out any bitterness.

The other was a much lighter dessert with some shaved almonds on top that I enjoyed. Just a few delights made for a nice morning.

Grade: B