So, Frutcake rounds out the Charleston trifecta in addition to Bluegrass Kitchen and Tricky Fish. They're all owned by the same folks, I believe. All of which I find okay, while I find Charlestonians tripping over themselves to compliment the places. I think they are good. Amazing? Maybe I'll have to test out some more dishes before I go that far.
Frutcake is only open 7 a.m. to 2 p.m. Monday through Friday and on Saturday 8 a.m to 2 p.m. So my friend and I went on a Saturday after the East End Yardsale. There are a few shabby-chic tables and chairs, but it seems as though most of the business is take out.
The place boasts organic pastries, pies, cakes and espressos. Since we got there late in the afternoon, many of the goodies behind the case were already nabbed up. But muffins, pies - which I will definitely get next time, and more were still options.
One item did catch my eye, though: A ramp scone. With parmesan cheese. Mmm. Since I didn't really experience the ramp phenom growing up that consumes the state, I'm trying to make up for lost time. I asked if I could have the last ramp scone, and the woman behind the counter said "good for you!" Apparently I don't look like the type to try different(?) foods?
For only a couple bucks, I took the scone, enclosed in a brown paper bag, and headed out. The savory scone was what dreams are made of. Crumbly chunks of the garlicky, pungent - in a good way - ramps combined with some sharp parmesan cheese was fabulous.
I ate every last crusted, flavorful piece. I'll have to try some of their other offerings soon, especially if they're as good as this was.
Grade: A
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