There had been some rumblings next door to Tudor's on High Street (above Cellar) for quite some time. I was curious what would fill those garage-like doors. It's Jamesons' Pub & Eatery - a restaurant heavy on the meat and potatoes that turns bar at night. It just opened last week, and I think me, Vicki and Tony were just about the second customers to try their full menu.
It's really quite well-done inside. It smelled of fresh hardwood and new paint. Nice floors, nice wood, nice brick accents. And they got some of their materials locally.
We were seated in this little nook area that has cutouts to the main bar. The paper menus listed quite a spread - from wraps, subs, soups, hot sandwiches, daily lunch specials, burgers, grills, lunch specials and desserts. There was nothing really out of the ordinary on the menu, and it was hard to find out what their specialty was. But since most of their options were a meat and potato, I followed suit: the corned beef and cabbage lunch entree with mashed potatoes. Vicki went for the daily lunch special - blackened prime rib sub, and Tony got the other special that day - breaded pork chop with mashed potatoes and gravy.
We tried to order the bleu cheese cheesesticks, but they didn't have them ready yet. It was the only thing that was really kind of different - I've never seen those before - so that would've been cool. Next time.
Service was mostly smooth, and our wait time wasn't too too long. Our dishes looked great. Mine had a heaping portion of corned beef, some cooked cabbage, a side of zucchini and squash and roasted potatoes. I asked for mashed, but that's OK. Plus two rolls.
I am probably one of the few people who actually really, really like cooked cabbage. I used to use it as bread. I just like it a lot. So, yeah, that was good. The beef was also pretty good, but a little more flavor would've been killer. There's not like a sauce or anything, so the food has to really speak for itself here. And I just wish there were some more spices on the meat. That, and there some fatty pieces that I could've done without. Not bad overall, though.
The roasted potatoes were quite flavorful, though. I was surprised - usually not my preferred potato method. But they definitely did it right. And zucchini and squash? Always a fan. A little too mushy, but that's not hard to fix. And I even liked the rolls. Nice to have that bready base to almost make a sandwich of the main elements with.
For Tony's dish:
"The pork chop special was massive. The plate featured two boneless pork chops, a heaping spoonful of mashed potatoes and gravy, stuffing and veggies. The pork was well-cooked and well-seasoned with salt and pepper. The mashed potatoes had a nice texture and flavor, too, including some of the skins. The star was the tangy gravy, which brought the whole dish together. It was a huge portion for the price and definitely worth it. Try this place. I have a feeling it’s going to be around for a while."
My final thoughts: Overall, above average in quality. The best quality and something I'd definitely order again? Nah. But they did have a huge menu that centered around meat and potatoes - if you like that, definitely go for it. Again, with it being a new restaurant, I'm sure they'll definitely get into their groove a bit more. A liiiitle bit more seasoning, being a liiiitttle bit more selective about the cuts of meat that make it to the plate, and I'd be a happy camper.
Check out their Twitter and Facebook for more information.
Grade: B