Steaks 'n Cakes is a restaurant that was in the right place at the right time. The Blythe, CA, restaurant has a hand-painted sign and some rusty antique cars out front. The truth is, we were traveling through the area on a holiday, and it was one of the first locally owned restaurants we saw.

They offer homestyle comfort food, with a particular emphasis on breakfast items. I'm no a regular eggs and bacon kinda gal, but I found a way to make it work for me. I went with an egg and bacon sandwich... but nix the egg and add tomato & lettuce & mayo! Voila! A good ol' BLT. Since it was a modified order, I wasn't expecting perfection. A thick, lopsided slice of tomato made the sandwich a bit unwieldy to eat. But the classic flavors still ticked all the boxes.

I do, however, love me some good shredded hashbrowns. I'm not talking home fries or fried potatoes. I like shredded potatoes that taste more like crispy crunchy than they do potato. Top those with cheese, onion and ketchup, and let's call it a day. These were on the verge of that crisp.

I got neither steak (& eggs) or (pan)cakes, but I had a decent little homecooked meal with friends that filled our bellies.

Grade: B