The beloved Charleston hot dog cart, Super Weenie, has found a permanent brick & mortar home on Quarrier Street.
The menu that runs the width of the restaurant features the iconic West Virginia hot dog, with a few fun specialties.
Specialties include the "Tex-Mess," "Chicago Dog," "Jalapeno Popper," "Super Weenie," and more. Plus, the option to create your own.
Order on the right side of the restaurant and pay first. Then make your way to the left to make the hot dog - a little backwards from what I thought.
My friend Carlee's story made an appearance!
Left - Super Weenie with super mustard, chili, crispy onions and ranch. Right - West Virginia hot dog with chili, slaw, mustard and onion.
And another angle. Yum!
Which is your favorite?
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