Charleston Edition: B.K.S. The Pa'TeO

By Candace Nelson - 9:30 PM

BKS the pateo

Toward the end of last summer, I discovered B.K.S. The Pa'TeO at the corner of Ruffner and Washington. This space features a few different food vendors hawking their delicious goods, and I was excited to check it out again this summer, but I haven't seen the space as busy.

BKS the pateo

"B.K.S. The Pa’Teo is the name of the development. B.K.S. stands for “Best Kept Secret.” Pa’Teo is merely an alteration of the standard patio spelling," according to the newspaper. The whole space is the brainchild of J.Z. Ali, who sells his own food right under the main banner. He's known for his Mr. Choo-Choo's Hot Dog at area events. But at this space, his business's menu is expanded.

BKS the pateo

He offers barbecue, beef ribs, hamburgers and brisket, as well as the trademark hot dogs. I wasn't sure what to go with, so they hooked me up with this lamb sandwich with lettuce, cheese, onion, cucumber and more. It's kinda like a lamb gyro meets grilled cheese. 

BKS the pateo

Definitely a bit different, and definitely enjoyable. I do like the cold ingredients in a gyro paired with the earthy flavor of lamb. But with the oozy cheese, this was a whole different experience.

BKS the pateo

Have you been here? What's your favorite dish?

Miss Carols Soul to Soul

Grade: B

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