Ripley Edition: Sam’s Hot Dog Stand

By Candace Nelson - 8:41 PM

Sam's Hot Dog Stand has over 45 locations in Virginia, West Virginia, Kentucky, North Carolina, and Georgia. The basics of every Sam's location includes beef hotdogs, steamed buns, and their chili – mild or spicy. Some locations will add specialties like pork barbecue sandwiches, fries or other sides. On my quest to visit every West Virginia location, I stopped at the Ripley one and ordered my standard hotdog on steamed bun with chili slaw, mustard, and onions. The assembly of this hotdog was ultimately its downfall; the chili on the bottom subbed through the bun and left it falling apart in my hand. I also wish the mustard was below the slaw to help keep it all together. Flavor, though, was pretty standard minus the mustard playing a starring role because it was right on top. Grade: B

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