I'm not familiar with Virginia the way Chris is. When you live in West Virginia, you sometimes have to travel outside of the state to get what you actually need. For him, that means the neighboring Virginia area. For me, that's always been the Pittsburgh area. When I bought him tickets for a wrestling show in Pittsburgh, he thought it was forever away. To him, it was. When he told me we were going to Virginia for lunch, I thought it was forever away.
We filled our fountain drinks and had a seat. For what felt like forever. We listened to the workers talk loudly back and forth, and I impatiently refilled my cup a few times. When our food arrived, I was optimistic. Their "small" subs are 9", and the large ones are 18". We both got smalls, but they filled out the plates. I couldn't quite make eating this sandwich pleasant. It was very messy, and the ingredients were just slopped together. In one bite, I had all green pepper and onions. In another, I had only sausage and salami. I had a few occasional bites where most of the ingredients met, but they were few and far between. Instead, I received a sandwich that didn't impress. Eating plain sausage or plain green peppers doesn't cut it for me. Beyond that, the ingredients alone weren't impressive. I felt as though I was munching on a convenience store hoagie for $2. Which is okay.