Three-day weekend
I see how this works now -- when I get time off, I blog. Or maybe it's because someone has been encouraging me. Either way, not a lot has happened since I last posted, but it's enough to make for a short blog.
Yesterday was the Fourth of July and probably one of my favorite holidays (behind my birthday and probably Christmas) due in large part to the fireworks. But, I started off the day with the parade. It was ... disappointing to say the least. There wasn't a single float. Maybe Morgantown doesn't do it up like Wellsburg, and that's sad. There were a few people walking, some firetrucks and a few cars. Lame. The only two worth taking photos of were Cindy Frich ( and Men's B-ball (
After the parade, Heather (who I met on my Spring Break trip to Italy) decided to go to Eat'n Park. We went back to her house, drank a couple on her porch and watched the general shenanigans of college kids mixed with fireworks.
Then we left to go watch some fireworks. Her cousin said we probably wouldn't be able to see them from her house, so we went driving through the campus. We saw a lot of people gathered by White Hall, so we set up camp there. Their fireworks, too, left something to be desired. Fireworks Grand Finale (
I'm back at the paper tomorrow ... It'll be the first time we lay out the smaller edition, so I'm hoping it goes smoothly. Regardless, I'm sure it's going to be a late night. Thankfully, I didn't have to go to DC this weekend. After the last trip, I'm a little nervous to go back. I'm halfway done right now though. Four trips down, four more to go.