It's 4:24 p.m., and I still have one hour until I officially start my internship for today. I'm interning on the print news copy desk, and it's much more fast-paced and intense than I imagined. I'm still trying to keep up, but I feel like I'm missing too much stuff. I had one good catch yesterday and couple not so good misses, but today is a new day and hopefully it will go smoother.
But, why am I sitting here an hour before my shift? Well, I have to check out of my hotel by noon. And unless I want to spend another $100, I leave directly after work 10:30ish. But I begin my shift at 5:30, so I have a gap from noon to 5:30 to fill with stuff to do. I've been coming in early to get stuff done, but what I would love to do is just work early so I am not driving home at 1 a.m. Unfortunately, the copy desk doesn't work that way.
This is my fifth trip, which means I have three more to go. As grateful as I am for this experience, it defniitely takes a toll on me.
Also, I will only have four more summer papers to do. That's exciting, as well. I'm ready for summer to be over, even though I know my school year won't be any easier. The traveling is just what's getting me right now.
Oh, PS, got a tattoo for Justin. I'm pretty sure I like it. It was just spontaneous, so it makes me a little uneasy. It's for him, regardless, so it's important