Buzz Buttered Steaks

By Candace Nelson - 10:00 AM

Buzz buttered steaks

Buzz Food Service is a local meat and seafood producer who primarily services restaurants and other chefs. Since Buzz is more of a business to business entity, rather than a business to consumer, I didn't really know of them until I became involved with Charleston Restaurant Week.

Buzz buttered steaksBut if you're from the Kanawha Valley, you might be familiar with them for another reason: Buzz Buttered Steaks. These are apparently a local favorite. So even grocery stores sell these patties with a dab of butter in the center.

Buzz buttered steaksAnd this little story on the back is just hilarious.

Buzz buttered steaksHave you tried them?

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  1. Ate them as a kid living in Spencer WV in the late '60s - early '70s. Would love to try them again. Anybody know if they're available in MD or available to be shipped??

  2. We grew up near the plant and loved them especially chicken fried and on burgers. An easy to make treat we learned to prepare for ourselves when Mom wasn't around.

  3. I grew up on these steaks. I now live in Georgia & wondered if I can order them.

    1. I don't think they currently ship, unfortunately.

  4. Here is a link to them.

  5. Buzz Buttered Steaks are simply the best❤


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