Hurricane Edition: Bake My Day

By Candace Nelson - 8:04 PM

Bake My Day

Macarons have hit the Kanawha Valley, and folks can't get enough.

Bake My Day

Bake My Day is a home baker who is specializing in French macarons and popping up at events all over.

Bake My Day

Sure, there are some other bakeries in the area where you may find a flavor or two of macarons. But Bake My Day is all in on them: vanilla, strawberry, blueberry, tangerine, margarita, mimosa, mint, blue raspberry and more.

Bake My Day

Those were just some of the summer flavors, but there are always different, creative ones added.

Bake My Day

French macarons are notoriously difficult to make. They are technically challenging, but these are the right combo of soft and crisp. My favorites have been the fruity-boozy flavors.

Bake My Day

Grade: A

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