Wandering Wind Meadery

By Candace Nelson - 9:34 PM

Wandering Wind Meadery

Wandering Wind Meadery in Charleston is "a small batch artisanal meadery tucked into the mountains in the heart of Appalachia." There are only a handful of meaderies across the state, so it's exciting to see one here in Charleston.

Wandering Wind Meadery

You may be asking: What exactly is mead? At it's core, it's simply honey wine: honey, water, and yeast fermented into an alcoholic beverage. But then that's where creativity is added - through fruits and other flavors.

Wandering Wind Meadery

Here are some of their offerings:

- Irish Sailor's Mead: Everything you hear about in the old Irish sailor shantys when they long for home... It's several flowers from the fields of Ireland, Juniper Berries, and Citrus to fight the scurvy aged over Bourbon Barrel Oak

- Clover Honey Traditional: Citrus and Coriander aged over Toasted French Oak

- Triple Berry Mocha: Berries and Chocolate aged over Toasted French Oak

- Peach Ginger: Peach and Ginger aged over Toasted French Oak

- Mango Jalapeño: Mango and Jalapeño aged over Toasted French Oak

- Cherry Hibiscus: Cherries, Hibiscus and Vanilla aged over Toasted Cognac

- Concord Grape Pyment: Our equivalent to a dry red table wine. Concord Grapes, hints of Vanilla and Lactose to round out the edges aged over Toasted French Oak

Wandering Wind Meadery

I tried the Clover Honey Traditional, which was quite tasty. A touch sweet, but certainly not as sweet as you might imagine "honey wine" would be. And most are on the dry side! They also have specific options available only to members - which is an interesting strategy. I wonder how many members they have now. 

Wandering Wind Meadery

Bonus: There were tasty treats from Jovial Confections, which were all delish!

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