Backbone Food Farm brings tons of vegetables, herbs - and you'll see them with mushrooms - to the Morgantown Farmers Market.
Here's some insight on this cool vendor from my good friend Lisa, former Morgantown Farmers Market coordinator.
Backbone food Farm is found in Oakland, MD and run by the Dubansky Family - dad - Max and his mother Rita, wife Katherine, and a slew of wonderful kids! This 530-acre farm is home to chickens, draft horses, cows, pigs, dogs, bees, flowers, and lots of vegetables since 1996. Max has a more unique way of farming - draft horse power! They teach organic growing practices, sustainability, and hands-on agriculture at their Certified Naturally Grown farm through open-to-the-public farm days. At the morgantown farmers market they only sell a large variety of vegetables, herbs, and fungi, but they also offer pasture raised pork at their farm. (Max taught me how to cook shiitake mushrooms and now I'm a SUPER fan of them! With tons of protein, they are great to help fill you up, have lots of uses, and pair great with meals.) They sell their products through farmers markets and a CSA, now in it's 12th year. To learn a little about agriculture at their farm, check out their farm events on their facebook page and attend one! To learn a LOT, they offer farm internships, but I have only heard positive reviews about. Since they are in the mountains and near some very popular winter vacation spots for skiing, they offer cross country skiing tours in the fall.I had these delicious scallions from Backbone, which found their way into most of my dishes for that week. I put them in a mason jar with some water in the bottom and covered the tops with a plastic bag. They were perfect with my meatloaf, thai pasta dishes and omelets. So good. What's your favorite product from Backbone?