Henry G's Cafe is a cute cafe in downtown Elkins that offers breakfast and lunch.
While in Elkins, I wanted to get a bite to eat so I put in a takeout order at Henry G's. After looking over a menu online, I called to put in an order. The woman on the phone said 15 minutes, which was perfect because that's about how far from town I was.
Once I arrived, I was informed that it had NOT been 15 minutes yet, so my food was not ready. It had been 13 minutes....
So, I waited for about another 6 or 7 minutes and looked around the place. It's cute - I could definitely see having a latter in the window here and watching the people out and about downtown. It's cozy and they have a good variety of different options.
Quiche, a side of fruit and a pepperoni roll were my choices. The quiche didn't have a crust, which surprised me. It tasted mostly of egg (of course), but I wouldn't have hated some more salt and cheese. The pepperoni roll was large, though. A little dry - some cheese would've helped that! Apparently I just wanted cheese on everything. The best parts of my fruit salad were the little clementines and pineapple. Overall, not bad.
Grade: C
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