In terms of unique locations, the Fly In Cafe in Huntington ranks pretty highly. There aren't many places you can enjoy a drink or dinner and watch skydivers land nearby.
The restaurant is situated on the Robert Newlon Airpark, so the name of the restaurant draws on that feature and the fact that you may catch a glimpse of small aircraft taking off or landing.
After a bit of an adventure to find the restaurant, I walked inside to discover World War II and aviation memorabilia decorating the walls, the ceiling painted like the sky and small toy planes hanging above my head.
The menu has some cute headings like "take-offs" and "parachute parts." There is a good bit of seafood on the menu, like fried oysters, peel & eat shrimp, crab cakes and more.
I ordered the coconut shrimp with a side of carrots and fried green tomatoes. A bit random, but that's my doing - I love all these things, so why not together?
The coconut shrimp had shreds of coconut in the breading, but it wasn't enough to combat the oily flavor of the fryer. They were just a bit over-fried, over oily, and a sauce would be nice to help cut through some of it. The carrots did provide a bit of a sweet solace.
Grade: B
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